Webinarul Technology Tuesdays

Seminarii despre funcționalitatea produselor LAPP
Experimentează, în seminariile noastre web, subiecte interesante, în care poți interacționa cu specialiștii noștri pregătiți să prezinte produsele LAPP și aplicațiile în care se pot folosi.
Te așteptăm în fiecare marți cu subiecte interesante.
Sesiunile sunt susținute în limba engleză. Ora la care sunt programate webinariile este ora locală a Germaniei.
Înregistrează-te acum!
Date | Time | Description | Speaker | Registration |
28.04.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | Industrial Communication @ LAPP Reliable data transmission in harsh industrial environments: our product portfolio for industrial communication. | R. Moebus/ C. Mueller (Product Management) | Link |
05.05.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | ETHERLINE® ACCESS Switches Fast, compact and robust. Our comprehensive ethernet switch portfolio for your industrial demand. | J. Greger (Product Management) | Link |
12.05.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | ÖLFLEX® CONNECT CHAIN: design your cable chain in 8 easy steps. Learn how to select the right cable chain, choosing the right cables and designing the best cable layout. | P. Borovianova (Market Management) | Link |
19.05.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | Innovations May 2020 Be curious and discover our new products May 2020 | C. Illenseer, J.Weiss, J. Greger, F. Hoertnagl (Product Management) | Link |
26.05.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | LAPP futureLab News from the innovation lab: IIoT solutions, Digital Cable Code, Cloud Marking, Single-Pair-Ethernet. | F. Stonawski + project leader (Innovation Management) | Link |
09.06.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | Industrial Ethernet: PROFINET® PROFINET® - the Ferrari among the Ethernet standards: Features, topology and portfolio for the physical layer. | B. Kraus (Product Management) | Link |
23.06.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | Industrial Communication in Robotics How to set-up professional industrial robot cabling with PROFINET® communication. | S. Vrbnjak (Application Engineering) | Link |
30.06.2020 | 12:30 PM (1,5h) | UL & NFPA Machine approval modes and US installation standards (UL, NFPA) / common cable type requirements subject to US wiring method and US installation code / approval marks & certificates, ratings, AWM styles. | T. Merker (Product Management) | Link |
07.07.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | EMC-Protection in Industrial Environments Reliable EMC-Protection in industrial environments. What´s important to know. | M. Jung / J. Strobel (Product Management) | Link will follow |
14.07.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | Industrial Ethernet: Ethernet based protocols PROFINET®, Ethernet / IP, EtherCat, Powerlink, CC-Link: Possible topologies, active components and how to solve network problems. | M. Artoli (Product Marketing Management) | Link will follow |
21.07.2020 | 12:30 PM (1h) | Stop the Portfolio Jungle – the right products for Industrial Communication Too many cat.-standards, protocols, cable and connector types - our experts explain what to consider when selecting products. | R. Moebus (Head of Industrial Communication) | Link will follow |
28.07.2020 | 12:30 (1h) | ÖLFLEX® DC - Cables for Direct Current Energy revolution meets industry 4.0: as technology leader we offer a comprehensive product portfolio for direct current technology. | S. Caruso (Product Manager) | Link will follow |